Our config file is located to PlasmaLobby(And only in this folder)
First of all, select your language in PlasmaLobby\lang\configLang.lua
By default, it's in French, but you can change it at the top of our config.
FR, EN, DE, NL and ES are available.
You can obviouly add any others language. Follow the same patern.
lang ="FR" --Language selector, be sur that the language is created bellowtrad = {}
Go to PlasmaLobby\config to find all of our configuration.
At the top of the file, you can enable the Gamemode that you want available in all PlasmaGame lobby
⚠️ If you didn't bought our bundle and only get our PlasmaGame alone, turn HaveCaptureTheOrbs = true to false.
If you have this enable when you don't have our DLC, the PlasmaGame won't work. ⚠️
You can also change the Max players per team and the max rounds too. (If you want more roung/players or less)
After that, you can change your targetting system (or use our old marker)
HaveTeamDeathMatch =trueHaveCaptureTheOrbs =true-- Only if you have our DLC, turn by false if not (It won't work !!!)HaveRandomWeapon =trueHaveBurningMode =false-- Not available yetMaxPlayerPerTeam =10MaxRound =10GunName ="WEAPON_PLASMAP" --The Gun used in game. You can have weird issue if you use classic GTA Weapon, I recommend to use modded ADDON (no replace) gun.GunDamage =10.0-- The damage that the gun Deal. You have to put here the damage that the gun deal, its used to heal player after taking a shot.ShowBlips =true--If you want a blip on your mapUseThirdEye =true-- Use targetting system instead of markerWhichThirdEye ="ox" -- Which targetting system "ox" or "qb" (only OX_target and QB-Target are available, but you can edit target.lua file to add your own targetting system)
Here you can add more maps or config the actual Patoche's maps.
If you get the PlasmaGame MAP with the Subscription package from Patoche, rename the "resourceName" by adding "sub_" before the name. (Since all plasmaMap in this sub package has been renamed with sub_xxxxxx)
(Ex: ["resourceName"] = "sub_patoche_plasmagame" instead of only patoche_plasmagame).
Do it for every maps you own with this sub package !
Maps = { ["Patoche"] = { -- first map -- PLASMAGAME ["resourceName"] ="patoche_plasmagame", ["Available"] =true, ["Capture The Orbs"] =true, -- Is Capture the Flag available on this map ? ["Team DeathMatch"] =true, -- Is Team Death Match available on this map ? ["Random Weapon"] =true, -- Is RandomWeapon available on this map ? ["Burning Mode"] =true, -- Is BurningMode available on this map ? ["AvailableSpawnSize"] =2.0, ["blueCoords"] = {x =727.26947021484, y =-57.796955108643, z =-7.562906265259}, ["redCoords"] = {x =791.17260742188, y =-37.611629486084, z =-7.562920570374}, ["redFlagCoords"] ={x =778.71, y =-60.81, z =-6.1519818305969, h =357.63375854492}, ["blueFlagCoords"] = {x =743.34, y =-35.11, z =-6.1519837379456, h =174.22836303711}, ["mapRedOutCoords"] = {{x =791.65753173828, y =-43.847557067871, z =-6.0906481742859, h =182.64358520508}}, ["mapBlueOutCoords"] = {{x =727.22729492188, y =-52.124340057373, z =-6.0906472206116, h =5.8564867973328}}, }, ["Patochemap2"] = { -- Dust2 remake -- PLASMAGAME DLC ["resourceName"] ="patoche_plasmagame_dlc", ["Available"] =true, ["Capture The Orbs"] =true, -- Is Capture the Flag available on this map ? ["Team DeathMatch"] =true, -- Is Team Death Match available on this map ? ["Random Weapon"] =true, -- Is RandomWeapon available on this map ? ["Burning Mode"] =true, -- Is BurningMode available on this map ? ["AvailableSpawnSize"] =2.0, ["blueCoords"] = {x =74.784973144531, y =-119.52577972412, z =-17.27610874176}, ["redCoords"] = {x =112.1410369873, y =-21.153541564941, z =-24.57123336792}, ["blueFlagCoords"] ={x =116.05665588379, y =-107.01374053955, z =-19.808429718018, h =358.05819702148}, ["redFlagCoords"] = {x =85.895530700684, y =-28.812915802002, z =-22.654676437378, h =180.63604736328}, ["mapRedOutCoords"] = {{x =118.5997543335, y =-21.150943756104, z =-23.007064819336, h =270.60363769531}}, ["mapBlueOutCoords"] = {{x =69.294631958008, y =-120.09935760498, z =-15.805656433105, h =88.750877380371}}, }, ["Patochemap3"] = { -- DUST1 remake -- PLASMAGAME DLC ["resourceName"] ="patoche_plasmagame_dlc", ["Available"] =true, ["Capture The Orbs"] =true, -- Is Capture the Flag available on this map ? ["Team DeathMatch"] =false, -- Is Team Death Match available on this map ? ["Random Weapon"] =false, -- Is RandomWeapon available on this map ? ["Burning Mode"] =false, -- Is BurningMode available on this map ? ["AvailableSpawnSize"] =2.0, ["blueCoords"] = {x =350.2121887207, y =-120.7619934082, z =22.235120773315}, ["redCoords"] = {x =412.88388061523, y =-9.0091714859009, z =17.84805679321}, ["blueFlagCoords"] ={x =382.87677001953, y =-113.54433441162, z =23.514802932739, h =52.952838897705}, ["redFlagCoords"] = {x =384.62536621094, y =-6.4026737213135, z =22.273731231689, h =93.630226135254}, ["mapRedOutCoords"] = {{x =412.97286987305, y =-14.521446228027, z =19.348915100098, h =182.09194946289}}, ["mapBlueOutCoords"] = {{x =345.22955322266, y =-120.76171875, z =23.735120773315, h =95.426963806152}}, }, ["Patochemap4"] = { --AZTEC -- PLASMAGAME ["resourceName"] ="patoche_plasmagame", ["Available"] =true, ["Capture The Orbs"] =true, -- Is Capture the Flag available on this map ? ["Team DeathMatch"] =true, -- Is Team Death Match available on this map ? ["Random Weapon"] =true, -- Is RandomWeapon available on this map ? ["Burning Mode"] =true, -- Is BurningMode available on this map ? ["AvailableSpawnSize"] =2.0, ["blueCoords"] = {x =675.65295410156, y =172.72929382324, z =-5.640287399292}, ["redCoords"] = {x =826.62786865234, y =151.69847106934, z =-5.0124621391296}, ["blueFlagCoords"] ={x =693.35198974609, y =180.04196166992, z =-6.4188938140869, h =292.39993286133}, ["redFlagCoords"] = {x =804.82305908203, y =169.37675476074, z =-5.6491899490356, h =210.43151855469}, ["mapRedOutCoords"] = {{x =826.42022705078, y =146.07556152344, z =-3.5465016365051, h =180.75238037109}}, ["mapBlueOutCoords"] = {{x =675.73675537109, y =179.12219238281, z =-4.2321949005127, h =358.99374389648}}, }, ["Patochemap5"] = { -- MAP central hole -- PLASMAGAME DLC ["resourceName"] ="patoche_plasmagame_dlc", ["Available"] =true, ["Capture The Orbs"] =true, -- Is Capture the Flag available on this map ? ["Team DeathMatch"] =true, -- Is Team Death Match available on this map ? ["Random Weapon"] =true, -- Is RandomWeapon available on this map ? ["Burning Mode"] =true, -- Is BurningMode available on this map ? ["AvailableSpawnSize"] =2.0, ["blueCoords"] = {x =519.92504882813, y =-38.650482177734, z =21.23295211792}, ["redCoords"] = {x =599.53155517578, y =-46.045372009277, z =21.449098587036}, ["blueFlagCoords"] ={x =528.97174072266, y =-28.715986251831, z =22.919332504272, h =275.74838256836}, ["redFlagCoords"] = {x =589.87457275391, y =-56.316993713379, z =22.919334411621, h =86.168746948242}, ["mapRedOutCoords"] = {{x =599.60321044922, y =-51.788963317871, z =22.919628143311, h =175.14045715332}}, ["mapBlueOutCoords"] = {{x =519.64624023438, y =-33.069152832031, z =22.696926116943, h =359.39224243164}}, }, ["Patochemap6"] = { -- DLC02 map 6 -- PLASMAGAME DLC 02 ["resourceName"] ="patoche_plasmagame_dlc_02", ["Available"] =true, ["Capture The Orbs"] =true, -- Is Capture the Flag available on this map ? ["Team DeathMatch"] =true, -- Is Team Death Match available on this map ? ["Random Weapon"] =true, -- Is RandomWeapon available on this map ? ["Burning Mode"] =true, -- Is BurningMode available on this map ? ["AvailableSpawnSize"] =2.0, ["blueCoords"] = {x =42.121936798096, y =226.25904846191, z =19.7534868240356}, ["redCoords"] = {x =54.578414916992, y =281.8798828125, z =19.7534589767456}, ["blueFlagCoords"] ={x =41.86, y =242.61, z =21.00, h =271.5817565918}, ["redFlagCoords"] = {x =55.24, y =264.89, z =21.00, h =111.56325531006}, ["mapRedOutCoords"] = {{x =60.015254974365, y =281.79263305664, z =21.000242233276, h =271.72247314453}}, ["mapBlueOutCoords"] = {{x =36.827301025391, y =226.18185424805, z =21.000514984131, h =92.464065551758}}, }, ["Patochemap7"] = { -- DLC02 map 67 -- PLASMAGAME DLC 02 ["resourceName"] ="patoche_plasmagame_dlc_02", ["Available"] =true, ["Capture The Orbs"] =true, -- Is Capture the Flag available on this map ? ["Team DeathMatch"] =true, -- Is Team Death Match available on this map ? ["Random Weapon"] =true, -- Is RandomWeapon available on this map ? ["Burning Mode"] =true, -- Is BurningMode available on this map ? ["AvailableSpawnSize"] =2.0, ["blueCoords"] = {x =-212.49885559082, y =-27.204858779907, z =19.535011291504}, ["redCoords"] = {x =-201.08345031738, y =27.871784210205, z =19.534721374512}, ["blueFlagCoords"] ={x =-194.31382751465, y =-17.381534576416, z =23.800003051758, h =354.47616577148}, ["redFlagCoords"] = {x =-217.89831542969, y =17.261335372925, z =23.800006866455, h =176.24815368652}, ["mapRedOutCoords"] = {{x =-194.5411529541, y =27.902280807495, z =21.000221252441, h =271.48126220703}}, ["mapBlueOutCoords"] = {{x =-217.79374694824, y =-27.816095352173, z =21.00050163269, h =88.133201599121}}, }, ["Patochemap8"] = { -- container map -- PLASMAGAME ["resourceName"] ="patoche_plasmagame", ["Available"] =true, ["Capture The Orbs"] =true, -- Is Capture the Flag available on this map ? ["Team DeathMatch"] =true, -- Is Team Death Match available on this map ? ["Random Weapon"] =true, -- Is RandomWeapon available on this map ? ["Burning Mode"] =true, -- Is BurningMode available on this map ? ["AvailableSpawnSize"] =2.0, ["blueCoords"] = {x =727.38684082031, y =416.98202514648, z =-7.463135147095}, ["redCoords"] = {x =791.36090087891, y =437.15896606445, z =-7.463116073608}, ["blueFlagCoords"] ={x =742.38, y =423.96, z =-5.9510579109192, h =1.3461245298386}, ["redFlagCoords"] = {x =774.07, y =442.12, z =-5.951060295105, h =24.58472442627}, ["mapRedOutCoords"] = {{x =791.72, y =431.04, z =-6.0905818939209, h =182.73483276367}}, ["mapBlueOutCoords"] = {{x =727.37298583984, y =422.99465942383, z =-6.0905818939209, h =90.489059448242}}, },
In this part, you can manage the gamemods available per Lobby maps. Can be useful if you have 2 differents job boss for the two lobby maps.
Obviously, you can delete the maps that you don't own.
About Clothing
Here you can config the clothes for Female and Male, and enable the Mask or not.
Color A = Blue Team
Color B = Red team
⚠️ The clothes that we used in the PlasmaGame, is a vanilla clothes = GTA default.
- If you don't have the plasma's clothes ingame:
Maybe you didn't put the right slot in our config file. Find the clothes in your clothing shop, and put the slot in the config.
- If you don't find the plasma's clothes in your clothing shop:
Maybe you have modded clothes who replace them. Find the cloth who replace them, and delete or rename it (your modded clothe) and all should works.
You can find the name of all the vanilla clothes there: https://tobii.space/ or https://forge.plebmasters.de/ its very usefull.