Last updated
Last updated
All are fully explained directly in our config file. But you can check this channel to see what's you have in it.
Reminder: If you use both location, you need to make the step two times: Install the DB, config the supermarket ect for BOTH script. They have the same architecture, so follow the same step for both location.
First of all, select your Framework line 23
FrameWork = "esx"
OR FrameWork = "qb"
Now, select your language. By default, you have EN and FR .
Select one of them Line 24 Lang = "EN"
You can add many language as you want to our Lang
Don't forget to select your targetting system with "
or "
Our script support bcs_companymanager
(this script replace ESX_socity). If you are on QB, do not touch this part, the script will ignore it.
FrameWork = "qb" -- qb or esx or other
Lang = "EN" -- Traduction are located to Lang folder.
Targetting = "ox" -- OX or QB for ox_target or qb-target
JobManagement = "esx_society" -- esx_society or bcs_companymanager ONLY FOR ESX
lstCat = {} ----------------------
lstCatType = {} -- DON'T TOUCH THIS --
lstCatTrad = {} ----------------------
In line 37, You can add categories who are displayed in your MarketShop for your item. If you want to add a new category, per exemple "furniture", follow the same patern:
["furniture"] = "Wonderfull Fourniture",
Do not add caps/space to the first one. The seconde one is the name displayed in the menu INGAME.
So you will have a new category displayed as "Wonderfull Fourniture".
-- Here, you can add new categories to your Market shop. --
-- If you want to add a new category, per exemple "furniture", follow the same patern: --
-- --
-- ["furniture"] = "Wonderfull Fourniture", --
-- --
-- Do not add caps/space to the first one. The seconde one is the name displayed in the menu INGAME. --
-- --
CatTrad = {
-- Category name -- Category name displayed Ingame
["food"] = "Food",
["drink"] = "Drink",
["alcohol"] = "Alcokol 1",
["snacks"] = "Snacks",
["medical1"] = "Medical 1",
["medical2"] = "Medical 2",
["medical3"] = "Medical 3",
["equipment"] = "Equipement",
["camping"] = "Camping",
["condiments"] = "Condiments",
["fastfood"] = "Fast Food",
["cereal"] = "Céréales",
["hygieneproduct"] = "Hygiène",
["cleaningproduct"] = "Entretien",
["alcohol2"] = "Alcool 2",
["sugar1"] = "Sugar1",
["sugar2"] = "Sugar2",
["sugar3"] = "Sugar3",
["sugar4"] = "sugar4",
["sugar5"] = "sugar5",
["plant"] = "Plant",
["mechanic"] = "Mechanic",
["electronics"] = "Electronics",
In line 106, You can define the props model displayed in your shelves according to your categories previously defined. Follow the same patern:
["furniture"] = {props="gz_large_cans_c", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="C"},
----------------------------------- Here, you can define the props model displayed in your shelves according to your categories previously defined. --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- props= gz_large_cans_c Display 3D model of cans in your shelve
-- props= gz_large_beers_c Display 3D model of beers in your shelve
-- props= gz_large_beers_c2 Display 3D model of beers in your shelve - another variation of beers
-- props= gz_large_chips_a Display 3D model of chips in your shelve
-- props= gz_large_latexgloves_a Display 3D model of latex gloves boxes in your shelve
-- props= gz_large_latexgloves_a2 Display 3D model of latex gloves boxes in your shelve - another variation of gloves boxes
-- props= gz_large_pharma_c Display 3D model of pharmacy's stuff in your shelve
-- props= gz_large_sauces_b Display 3D model of sauce's stuff in your shelve
-- props= gz_large_noodles_d Display 3D model of instant noodles in your shelve
-- props= gz_large_cereal_b Display 3D model of cereal boxes, soft bread, eggs in your shelve
-- props= gz_large_beauty_b Display 3D model of shampoo's stuff in your shelve
-- props= gz_large_cleaning_b Display 3D model of cleaning product in your shelve
-- props= gz_large_candy_a Display 3D model of candy in your shelve
-- props= gz_large_candy_a2 Display 3D model of candy in your shelve - another variation of candy
-- props= gz_large_candy_c Display 3D model of candy in your shelve - another variation of candy
-- props= gz_large_candy_d Display 3D model of candy in your shelve - another variation of candy
-- props= gz_large_candy_d2 Display 3D model of candy in your shelve - another variation of candy
LargeStallType = {
["food"] = {props="gz_large_cans_c", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="C"},
["alcohol"] = {props="gz_large_beers_c", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="C"},
["alcohol2"] = {props="gz_large_beers_c2", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="C"},
["snacks"] = {props="gz_large_chips_a", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="A"},
["medical1"] = {props="gz_large_latexgloves_a", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="A"},
["medical2"] = {props="gz_large_latexgloves_a2", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="A"},
["medical3"] = {props="gz_large_pharma_c", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="C"},
["condiments"] = {props="gz_large_sauces_b", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="B"},
["fastfood"] = {props="gz_large_noodles_d", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="D"},
["cereal"] = {props="gz_large_cereal_b", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="B"},
["hygieneproduct"] = {props="gz_large_beauty_b", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="B"},
["cleaningproduct"] = {props="gz_large_cleaning_b", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="B"},
["sugar1"] = {props="gz_large_candy_a", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="A"},
["sugar5"] = {props="gz_large_candy_a2", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="A"},
["sugar2"] = {props="gz_large_candy_c", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="C"},
["sugar3"] = {props="gz_large_candy_d", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="D"},
["sugar4"] = {props="gz_large_candy_d2", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="D"},
["plant"] = {props="gz_large_cans_c", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="C"},
["mechanic"] = {props="gz_large_cans_c", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="C"},
["electronics"] = {props="gz_large_cans_c", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="C"},
["equipment"] = {props="gz_large_cans_c", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="C"},
["camping"] = {props="gz_large_cans_c", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="C"},
-- Same explanation as before, but the bottles use a different shelve as others ones -- Display 3D model of cola, sprunk ...
LargeBottleStallType = {
["drink"] = {props="gz_large_bottles_b", offset={x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0,h=0.0},IsA="B"},
Now, in line 205, You can add all the item that you want to find in your shelve. Carefull: They need to be created to your inventory before or your player will buy "ghost" item. If you don't know how to do that, please, contact the creator of your inventory or refere to his doc.
-- Here, you can add your available item on your Market shop. THEY NEED TO BE AVAILABLE IN YOUR INVENTORY SCRIPT -----
-- -----
-- -----
-- If you want to add a new item, per exemple "weed", follow the same patern and add it in the right category: -----
-- -----
-- -----
-- {name = "Weed", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/apple.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "food" }, -----
-- "YourItemName" Price Paid By Player Restock Price YourImageHERE IN .PNG No used right now add the same category name -----
-- at checkout located in marketShop\html\itemIMG -----
ItemDESC = {
["food"] = { ---------------------------------------------------
{name = "Apple", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/apple.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "food" }, -- ALL THE ITEM HERE ARE WORKING FOR QBCORE --
{name = "Banana", Price = 3 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/banane.png", DESC = "", CAT = "food" }, -- WE DON'T KNOW FOR ESX SO PLEASE, BE SURE --
{name = "Poire", Price = 2.8 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/poire.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "food" }, -- THAT THEY ARE ADDED TO YOUR INVENTORY ITEMS --
{name = "Peche", Price = 3.5 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/peach.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "food" }, -- YOU CAN DELETE THEM IF YOU WANT --
{name = "Raisin", Price = 20.2, BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/raisin.png", DESC = "" , CAT = "food" }, ---------------------------------------------------
{name = "pepperoni", Price = 20.2, BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/pepperoni.png", DESC = "" ,CAT = "food" },
{name = "turkey", Price = 20.2, BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/turkey.png", DESC = "" , CAT = "food" },
["fastfood"] = {
{name = "Bsfries", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/bsfries.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "fastfood" },
{name = "Burger", Price = 3 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/burger.png", DESC = "", CAT = "fastfood" },
{name = "Chipscheese", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/chipscheese.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "fastfood" },
{name = "Chipshabanero", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/chipshabanero.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "fastfood" },
{name = "Chipsribs", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/chipsribs.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "fastfood" },
{name = "Chipssalt", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/chipssalt.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "fastfood" },
{name = "Hotdog", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/hotdog.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "fastfood" },
{name = "Ramen", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/ramen.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "fastfood" },
{name = "Taco", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/taco.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "fastfood" },
["drink"] = {
{name = "Sprite", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/apple.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "drink" },
{name = "Cola", Price = 3 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/banane.png", DESC = "", CAT = "drink" },
{name = "Cola Cherry", Price = 2.8 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/poire.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "drink" },
{name = "IceTea", Price = 3.5 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/peach.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "drink" },
{name = "Fanta", Price = 20.2, BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/raisin.png", DESC = "" , CAT = "drink" },
{name = "Water", Price = 3 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/water.png", DESC = "", CAT = "drink" },
["medical1"] = {
{name = "Bandage", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/bandage.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "medical1" },
{name = "Cigarette", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/CIGARETTE.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "medical1" },
{name = "joint", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/joint.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "medical1" },
{name = "medikit", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/medikit.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "medical1" },
["alcohol"] = {
{name = "Beer", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/beer.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "alcohol" },
["sugar1"] = {
{name = "Candy", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/candy.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "sugar1" },
{name = "Donut", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/donut.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "sugar1" },
["plant"] = {
{name = "Fertilizer", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/fertilizer.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "plant" },
{name = "Paperbag", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/paperbag.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "plant" },
["mechanic"] = {
{name = "Fixkit", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/fixkit.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "mechanic" },
{name = "Lockpick", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/lockpick.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "mechanic" },
["condiments"] = {
{name = "Mustard", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/mustard.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "condiments" },
["electronics"] = {
{name = "Phone", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/phone.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "electronics" },
{name = "radio", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/radio.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "electronics" },
{name = "rolex", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/rolex.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "electronics" },
["cereal"] = {
{name = "Phone", Price = 2 , BuyingPrice = 2, IMG = "itemIMG/phone.png" , DESC = "" , CAT = "electronics" },
Go to MarketShop/html/ItemPicture.js
and follow the same patern as you can see:
var ItemPicture = new Object();
--DisplayNameInShelves NameOfYourPicture
ItemPicture["apple"] = "apple.png" --without any caps
ItemPicture["banana"] = "banane.png"
► The ItemPicture is the name Displayed, and the second need to be the same name as your picture.
So per exemple, if you added a "Cola Cherry" item in your config file, you'll need to add "cola cherry" in ItemPicture.js
like this:
var ItemPicture = new Object();
ItemPicture["cola cherry"] = "ecolacherry.png"
Do not add any CAPS or it won't works at all.
The ItemPicture name need to be the same as your config file item name that you added previously without any caps.
So if you add in your config file "Cola Cherry"
, you need to add "cola cherry"
(without caps) in ItemPicture.js
Don't forget to drag and drop all your pictures in marketShop\html\itemIMG
In line 298, You can config the maximum amount per item put in a shelves. Per example, if you have beer in a Large Stall you can have a maximum of 100 beers, and add a lot of other item for a maximum of 100 per item. In medium shelve, you can add a maximum of 50 beers.
-- Here's you can config the Maximum amount per item put in a shelves --
-- For example if you have beer in a Large Stall you can have a maximum of 100 beer, and add a lot of other item for a maximum of 100 per item --
MaxStockMediumStall = 50
MaxStockLargeStall = 100
MaxStockFixedStall = 100
MaxStockRegularStall = 100
In line 317,
You can config all non configurable shelves.
Non configurable shelves are displayed permanently in the MLO, but you can add your item in these shelves or desactivate them.
Turn them to false
if you want to desactive a shelve, or true
if you want it available.
-- Here's you can config all non configurable shelves --
-- Non configurable shelves are displayed permanently in the MLO, but you can add your item in these shelves or not --
-- Clothes Shelves
NonConfigurableRegularStall[5].actif = true -- If false, all the shelves is inactif
NonConfigurableRegularStall[5].a.actif = true -- If false, only the A side is inactif
NonConfigurableRegularStall[5].b.actif = true -- If false, only the B side is inactif
NonConfigurableRegularStall[5].c.actif = true -- If false, only the C side is inactif
NonConfigurableRegularStall[5].d.actif = true -- If false, only the D side is inactif
-- Clothes Shelves
NonConfigurableRegularStall[6].actif = true
NonConfigurableRegularStall[6].a.actif = true
NonConfigurableRegularStall[6].b.actif = true
NonConfigurableRegularStall[6].c.actif = true
NonConfigurableRegularStall[6].d.actif = true
-- hygieneproduct and books
NonConfigurableRegularStall[12].actif = true
NonConfigurableRegularStall[12].a.actif = true
NonConfigurableRegularStall[12].b.actif = true
NonConfigurableRegularStall[12].c.actif = true
NonConfigurableRegularStall[12].d.actif = true
-- books and nothing
NonConfigurableRegularStall[13].actif = true
NonConfigurableRegularStall[13].a.actif = true
NonConfigurableRegularStall[13].b.actif = true
NonConfigurableRegularStall[13].c.actif = true
NonConfigurableRegularStall[13].d.actif = true
-- guitare and misc -tv, bbq
NonConfigurableRegularStall[14].actif = true
NonConfigurableRegularStall[14].a.actif = true
NonConfigurableRegularStall[14].b.actif = true
NonConfigurableRegularStall[14].c.actif = true
NonConfigurableRegularStall[14].d.actif = true
And line 382,
You can find our cleaning mission.
Pretty simple there, you can turn this mission to false
if you don't want the splat in your market shop.
Change the price, number of splat spawned, time...
CleaningOn = true
degradatingTime = 120 -- in Seconds, define the time between splat is created
newSplatChance = 25 -- in percent, define the chance of a new splat is created at each **degradatingTime** tick
nbSplatGenerated = 3 -- number define how simultaneous splat are generated, its a random between 1 and value specified
CleaningPrice = 5 -- The amount taken from society account and given to the player who have cleaned the splat in dollars
If you want to change our notification by your notif system, go to marketShop/unencryptedClient
and open the file named notif.
---------------- DON'T TOUCH THIS -----------------------
AddEventHandler('marketShop:notif', function (title,text,icon,iconcolor)
-- You can replace here by YOUR own notification system --
function notif(title,text,icon,iconcolor)
id = 'some_identifier2',
title = title,
description = text,
position = 'top-left',
style = {
backgroundColor = '#141517',
color = '#909296'
icon = icon,
iconColor = iconcolor