Last updated
Last updated
Our config file is located to [PlasmaKart]\PlasmaKart\config
First of all, select your language in [PlasmaKart]\PlasmaKart\config\config.lua
By default, it's in English, but you can change it at the top of our config.
FR, EN, DE and ES are available. You can obviouly add any others language. Follow the same patern.
Do not change the Framework, it will be always STANDALONE.
Our script is STANDALONE, so it mean that you need to add your own system of payment ect.
Go to [PlasmaKart]\PlasmaKart\config\unencrypted\server
OR client
and open the file openEvent.lua
If you want to use a targetting system (only ox_target and qb_target are supported), turn UseTargetting
to true
and select your Targetting bellow.
Do not change Targetting
if you want to use our old marker, and let UseTargetting
to false
lang = "EN" --Language selector, be sur that the language is created
trad = {}
FrameWork = "STANDALONE" --STANDALONE, do not touch this
UseTargetting = true -- If you dont want to use the targetting system you will got marker on map
Targetting = "ox_target" -- put ox_target if you are using ox target or qb_target if you are using qb target
-- Targetting = "qb_target"
We made some custom sound when you start the game or use the spike/boost.
If you don't want the sound, turn this to false
if UseSound then
SpikesSound = "./sounds/MarioSpike.ogg"
PreStartSound = "./sounds/Mario_Bip.ogg"
StartSound = "./sounds/Mario_DEPART_bip.ogg"
BoostSound = "./sounds/OUIIII.ogg"
Here you can define the number of player MAX when you create a Race. It's from 1 players to 10 by default. Same for the maximum of round.
You can change the key, and the HUD position (of your current position in a race)
MaxPlayerInSession = 10 -- Min : 1 Max : 10
--If you want to go above 10, you need to define more "startPos" for each map defined below
ForcedPlate = true -- Do not touch this
ForcedPlateNumber = "PATAMODS" -- Do not touch this
MaxLap = 10
SpikesKey = 24 -- The key to press to put spikes
BoostKey = 25 -- The key to press to Boost
ResetKey = 80 -- The key to press to flip the kart
CheckPointResetModifierKey = 36 -- The key to press with the reset key to reset to the last checkpoint ( Reset Key + CheckPointResetModifierKey )
POSCoords = {x=0.99,y=0.12,w=0.005,h=0.0028} -- HUD position
LAPCoords = {x=0.99,y=0.16,w=0.005,h=0.0028} -- HUD position
Here's all the maps from Patoche inside our config. Obviously, you can delete the maps that you don't own and add many maps as you want. Follow the same patern that i explained inside the config for the first map. - There's 3 race maps + the same 3 race maps in a mirror mod.
--- Maps configuration ---
Maps = {
["PlasmaRace 1"]={ -- The name of your maps displayed in UI.
["resourceName"] = "patoche_plasmakart", -- This is the name of the Map used
["Available"] = true, -- Is this map available on this shop or not ? Turn this to false if you don't want this map available.
["Classic"] = true, -- Is this GameMod is available on this shop or not ? Turn this to false if you don't want.
["Battle"] = true, -- Is this GameMod is available on this shop or not ? Turn this to false if you don't want.
["Name"] = "PlasmaRace 1", -- The name of your maps displayed in UI. This name need to be the same as the one above
["img"] = "map1.jpg", -- This is the img displayed in the UI, it's a preview map.
["Out"] = {{x=-2086.67, y=210.36, z=83.49}}, -- This is the coords inside the race map to leave the track if needed.
["CP"] = {
["startPiste"] = {x= -2096.3666992188, y= 218.0157623291, z= 82.163482666016, h= 180.75593566895}, -- This is the coord of the finish line
[1] = {x= -2098.2097167969, y= 195.51626586914, z= 82.091285705566, h= 171.64108276367}, -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2] = {x= -2119.9152832031, y= 186.25643920898, z= 79.684623718262, h= 45.182823181152},
[3] = {x= -2112.7680664063, y= 220.50907897949, z= 74.893943786621, h= 345.60360717773},
[4] = {x= -2122.2932128906, y= 255.48266601563, z= 74.668228149414, h= 81.031845092773},
[5] = {x= -2130.732421875, y= 233.13525390625, z= 74.65495300293, h= 176.9567565918},
[6] = {x= -2166.6872558594, y= 195.31896972656, z= 72.195510864258, h= 96.886764526367},
[7] = {x= -2165.1030273438, y= 168.4087677002, z= 67.54280090332, h= 290.14678955078},
[8] = {x= -2107.4907226563, y= 186.82743835449, z= 62.241649627686, h= 285.94625854492},
[9] = {x= -2137.5041503906, y= 207.34281921387, z= 62.242122650146, h= 89.419548034668},
[10] = {x= -2193.123046875, y= 208.43348693848, z= 62.240886688232, h= 81.211624145508},
[11] = {x= -2170.9184570313, y= 234.53060913086, z= 62.240802764893, h= 267.58590698242},
[12] = {x= -2105.3178710938, y= 235.8307800293, z= 63.04386138916, h= 313.49502563477}, ---- These are the coordinates to recover your position as many times as possible in the race. Do not touch them. ----
[13] = {x= -2114.7465820313, y= 258.31512451172, z= 63.396343231201, h= 88.693489074707}, ---- Your position are determinate when you pass all these invisible marker ----
[14] = {x= -2168.58984375, y= 274.62030029297, z= 66.744346618652, h= 119.12612915039},
[15] = {x= -2156.5197753906, y= 256.97933959961, z= 68.029159545898, h= 296.62478637695},
[16] = {x= -2186.3347167969, y= 243.13407897949, z= 71.740753173828, h= 45.670650482178},
[17] = {x= -2170.0166015625, y= 272.01593017578, z= 75.49951171875, h= 241.99885559082},
[18] = {x= -2173.1340332031, y= 234.72616577148, z= 81.163719177246, h= 87.348434448242},
[19] = {x= -2192.0600585938, y= 205.79734802246, z= 82.367118835449, h= 178.41506958008},
[20] = {x= -2169.6716308594, y= 182.25215148926, z= 82.370933532715, h= 312.31002807617},
[21] = {x= -2152.7214355469, y= 163.3674621582, z= 81.04948425293, h= 91.008331298828},
[22] = {x= -2191.5546875, y= 187.89312744141, z= 74.652145385742, h= 357.30319213867},
[23] = {x= -2166.3957519531, y= 204.16264343262, z= 76.21753692627, h= 272.66604614258},
[24] = {x= -2122.4755859375, y= 220.93203735352, z= 85.039779663086, h= 1.9960159063339},
[25] = {x= -2111.1877441406, y= 272.11123657227, z= 85.040328979492, h= 262.78399658203},
[26] = {x= -2096.5900878906, y= 238.41613769531, z= 82.162773132324, h= 178.71209716797}, -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
["startPos"] = { -- Coords of the kart spawned at the start of the race
[1] = {x= -2095.3039550781, y= 221.0059967041, z= 82.163330078125, h= 181.05592346191},
[2] = {x= -2097.3959960938, y= 220.9528503418, z= 82.164016723633, h= 179.22793579102},
[3] = {x= -2092.9528808594, y= 222.13063049316, z= 82.164443969727, h= 179.91586303711},
[4] = {x= -2099.865234375, y= 222.20855712891, z= 82.164337158203, h= 180.04965209961},
[5] = {x= -2095.0981445313, y= 223.86647033691, z= 82.164024353027, h= 181.6005859375},
[6] = {x= -2097.6821289063, y= 223.86462402344, z= 82.163398742676, h= 180.37684631348},
[7] = {x= -2093.0007324219, y= 225.31942749023, z= 82.163276672363, h= 180.95108032227},
[8] = {x= -2099.8308105469, y= 225.3324432373, z= 82.163673400879, h= 179.11756896973},
[9] = {x= -2095.3195800781, y= 226.76864624023, z= 82.164276123047, h= 178.83531188965},
[10] = {x= -2097.361328125, y= 226.77598571777, z= 82.163383483887, h= 180.12818908691},
["waitingPath"] = { -- Coords of the cam for the preview
[0] = {x= -2096.56, y=225.04, z=83.64, h=178.13},
[1] = {x= -2098.93, y=185.91, z=85.52, h=91.75},
[2] = {x= -2186.88, y=174.29, z=84.7, h=333.56},
[3] = {x= -2167.31, y=259.05, z=84.8, h=265.53},
[4] = {x= -2098.87, y=252.17, z=84.98, h=189.31},
["waitingTime"] = 20000 -- Do not touch
["PlasmaRace 1 Mirror"]={ -- This is the same map as previously, but in mirror. -- The name of your maps displayed in UI.
["resourceName"] = "patoche_plasmakart", -- This is the name of the Map used
["Available"] = true, -- Is this map available on this shop or not ? Turn this to false if you don't want this map available.
["Classic"] = true, -- Is this GameMod is available on this shop or not ? Turn this to false if you don't want.
["Battle"] = true, -- Is this GameMod is available on this shop or not ? Turn this to false if you don't want.
["Name"] = "PlasmaRace 1 Mirror", -- The name of your maps displayed in UI. This name need to be the same as the one above
["img"] = "map1mirror.jpg", -- This is the img displayed in the UI, it's a preview map.
["Out"] = {{x=-2086.67, y=210.36, z=83.49}}, -- This is the coords inside the race map to leave the track if needed.
["CP"] = {
["startPiste"] = {x= -2096.3666992188, y= 218.0157623291, z= 82.163482666016, h= 180.75593566895}, -- This is the coord of the finish line
[26] = {x= -2098.2097167969, y= 195.51626586914, z= 82.091285705566, h= 171.64108276367}, -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[25] = {x= -2119.9152832031, y= 186.25643920898, z= 79.684623718262, h= 45.182823181152},
[24] = {x= -2112.7680664063, y= 220.50907897949, z= 74.893943786621, h= 345.60360717773},
[23] = {x= -2122.2932128906, y= 255.48266601563, z= 74.668228149414, h= 81.031845092773},
[22] = {x= -2130.732421875, y= 233.13525390625, z= 74.65495300293, h= 176.9567565918},
[21] = {x= -2166.6872558594, y= 195.31896972656, z= 72.195510864258, h= 96.886764526367},
[20] = {x= -2165.1030273438, y= 168.4087677002, z= 67.54280090332, h= 290.14678955078},
[19] = {x= -2107.4907226563, y= 186.82743835449, z= 62.241649627686, h= 285.94625854492},
[18] = {x= -2137.5041503906, y= 207.34281921387, z= 62.242122650146, h= 89.419548034668},
[17] = {x= -2193.123046875, y= 208.43348693848, z= 62.240886688232, h= 81.211624145508},
[16] = {x= -2170.9184570313, y= 234.53060913086, z= 62.240802764893, h= 267.58590698242},
[15] = {x= -2105.3178710938, y= 235.8307800293, z= 63.04386138916, h= 313.49502563477}, ---- These are the coordinates to recover your position as many times as possible in the race. Do not touch them. ----
[14] = {x= -2114.7465820313, y= 258.31512451172, z= 63.396343231201, h= 88.693489074707}, ---- Your position are determinate when you pass all these invisible marker ----
[13] = {x= -2168.58984375, y= 274.62030029297, z= 66.744346618652, h= 119.12612915039},
[12] = {x= -2156.5197753906, y= 256.97933959961, z= 68.029159545898, h= 296.62478637695},
[11] = {x= -2186.3347167969, y= 243.13407897949, z= 71.740753173828, h= 45.670650482178},
[10] = {x= -2170.0166015625, y= 272.01593017578, z= 75.49951171875, h= 241.99885559082},
[9] = {x= -2173.1340332031, y= 234.72616577148, z= 81.163719177246, h= 87.348434448242},
[8] = {x= -2192.0600585938, y= 205.79734802246, z= 82.367118835449, h= 178.41506958008},
[7] = {x= -2169.6716308594, y= 182.25215148926, z= 82.370933532715, h= 312.31002807617},
[6] = {x= -2152.7214355469, y= 163.3674621582, z= 81.04948425293, h= 91.008331298828},
[5] = {x= -2191.5546875, y= 187.89312744141, z= 74.652145385742, h= 357.30319213867},
[4] = {x= -2166.3957519531, y= 204.16264343262, z= 76.21753692627, h= 272.66604614258},
[3] = {x= -2122.4755859375, y= 220.93203735352, z= 85.039779663086, h= 1.9960159063339},
[2] = {x= -2111.1877441406, y= 272.11123657227, z= 85.040328979492, h= 262.78399658203},
[1] = {x= -2096.5900878906, y= 238.41613769531, z= 82.162773132324, h= 178.71209716797}, -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
["startPos"] = { -- Coords of the kart at the start of the race
[1] = {x= -2097.5334472656, y= 215.24182128906, z= 82.163314819336, h= 0.710713326931},
[2] = {x= -2095.4829101563, y= 215.30621337891, z= 82.164604187012, h= 359.77581787109},
[3] = {x= -2099.8854980469, y= 214.03173828125, z= 82.163276672363, h= 0.38272070884705},
[4] = {x= -2092.9907226563, y= 214.04786682129, z= 82.163833618164, h= 359.48492431641},
[5] = {x= -2097.7729492188, y= 212.37689208984, z= 82.163513183594, h= 0.86350435018539},
[6] = {x= -2095.1936035156, y= 212.3600769043, z= 82.164283752441, h= 0.79277563095093},
[7] = {x= -2099.9208984375, y= 210.9493560791, z= 82.163642883301, h= 359.78649902344},
[8] = {x= -2092.98828125, y= 210.98229980469, z= 82.163703918457, h= 0.8594314455986},
[9] = {x= -2097.5466308594, y= 209.30911254883, z= 82.163108825684, h= 359.62564086914},
[10] = {x= -2095.4992675781, y= 209.3602142334, z= 82.163330078125, h= 0.20978040993214},
["waitingPath"] = { -- Coords of the cam for the preview
[0] = {x= -2096.56, y=225.04, z=83.64, h=178.13},
[1] = {x= -2098.93, y=185.91, z=85.52, h=91.75},
[2] = {x= -2186.88, y=174.29, z=84.7, h=333.56},
[3] = {x= -2167.31, y=259.05, z=84.8, h=265.53},
[4] = {x= -2098.87, y=252.17, z=84.98, h=189.31},
["waitingTime"] = 20000 -- Do not touch this
["PlasmaRace 2"]={ -- The name of your maps displayed in UI.
["resourceName"] = "patoche_plasmakart_dlc", -- This is the name of the Map used
["Available"] = true, -- Is this map available on this shop or not ? Turn this to false if you don't want this map available.
["Classic"] = true, -- Is this GameMod is available on this shop or not ? Turn this to false if you don't want.
["Battle"] = true, -- Is this GameMod is available on this shop or not ? Turn this to false if you don't want.
["Name"] = "PlasmaRace 2", -- The name of your maps displayed in UI. This name need to be the same as the one above
["img"] = "map2.jpg", -- This is the img displayed in the UI, it's a preview map.
["Out"] = {{x=-2083.18, y=215.34, z=15.53}}, -- This is the coords inside the race map to leave the track if needed.
["CP"] = {
["startPiste"] = {x= -2093.0407714844, y= 223.26080322266, z= 14.167333602905, h= 180.31930541992}, -- This is the coord of the finish line
[1] = {x= -2094.5642089844, y= 206.90148925781, z= 14.192364692688, h= 169.30725097656},
[2] = {x= -2126.3647460938, y= 202.1120300293, z= 14.141359329224, h= 17.651235580444},
[3] = {x= -2126.4521484375, y= 236.19985961914, z= 12.220977783203, h= 1.5749043226242},
[4] = {x= -2137.9270019531, y= 221.66081237793, z= 8.7031135559082, h= 269.26226806641},
[5] = {x= -2126.29296875, y= 262.24261474609, z= 6.3863077163696, h= 92.836433410645},
[6] = {x= -2179.3139648438, y= 235.79092407227, z= 1.9949858188629, h= 238.74700927734},
[7] = {x= -2142.9934082031, y= 249.86085510254, z= 3.3259763717651, h= 257.57821655273},
[8] = {x= -2141.9304199219, y= 221.96942138672, z= 3.5906009674072, h= 109.1859588623},
[9] = {x= -2187.8447265625, y= 208.97343444824, z= 3.5927670001984, h= 164.5500793457},
[10] = {x= -2187.4699707031, y= 176.88819885254, z= 3.5896689891815, h= 185.79470825195},
[11] = {x= -2158.2331542969, y= 168.93577575684, z= 3.8102056980133, h= 279.19647216797},
[12] = {x= -2172.0969238281, y= 199.7547454834, z= 11.394079208374, h= 74.766540527344},
[13] = {x= -2187.9541015625, y= 217.16320800781, z= 13.007135391235, h= 2.2537558078766},
[14] = {x= -2186.5083007813, y= 251.72006225586, z= 13.314221382141, h= 350.93460083008},
[15] = {x= -2169.1604003906, y= 275.00662231445, z= 13.620051383972, h= 231.8048248291},
[16] = {x= -2163.9431152344, y= 230.61288452148, z= 13.605626106262, h= 182.49620056152},
[17] = {x= -2145.0480957031, y= 183.23254394531, z= 10.642852783203, h= 172.52079772949},
[18] = {x= -2177.0830078125, y= 200.73747253418, z= 6.3223881721497, h= 352.27551269531},
[19] = {x= -2132.4597167969, y= 193.09768676758, z= 8.3556385040283, h= 182.07171630859},
[20] = {x= -2105.6396484375, y= 186.71849060059, z= 8.8710784912109, h= 320.09643554688},
[21] = {x= -2116.08984375, y= 206.58856201172, z= 7.1309080123901, h= 165.66743469238},
[22] = {x= -2132.1252441406, y= 181.43807983398, z= 3.5331373214722, h= 14.4574842453},
[23] = {x= -2122.8415527344, y= 221.27503967285, z= 2.8845229148865, h= 335.8671875},
[24] = {x= -2115.1806640625, y= 262.38772583008, z= 2.506650686264, h= 51.052654266357},
[25] = {x= -2167.6613769531, y= 275.52221679688, z= 3.7679693698883, h= 86.931640625},
[26] = {x= -2149.2136230469, y= 253.54440307617, z= 10.550456047058, h= 294.02090454102},
[27] = {x= -2105.166015625, y= 276.70785522461, z= 13.695048332214, h= 258.3366394043},
[28] = {x= -2092.9504394531, y= 240.68818664551, z= 14.145029067993, h= 178.22836303711},
["startPos"] = { -- Coords of the kart at the start of the race
[1]={x= -2094.0004882813, y= 226.15905761719, z= 14.163695335388, h= 177.80842590332},
[2]={x= -2091.9462890625, y= 226.13032531738, z= 14.163729667664, h= 179.18746948242},
[3]={x= -2096.4453125, y= 227.48425292969, z= 14.162909507751, h= 177.76846313477},
[4]={x= -2089.521484375, y= 227.31553649902, z= 14.162936210632, h= 177.67083740234},
[5]={x= -2094.1696777344, y= 229.13206481934, z= 14.160485267639, h= 177.67318725586},
[6]={x= -2091.5812988281, y= 229.06192016602, z= 14.160575866699, h= 177.74729919434},
[7]={x= -2096.298828125, y= 230.48359680176, z= 14.158658027649, h= 178.30731201172},
[8]={x= -2089.4575195313, y= 230.41096496582, z= 14.159613609314, h= 179.28273010254},
[9]={x= -2093.853515625, y= 232.07606506348, z= 14.157216072083, h= 178.41226196289},
[10]={x= -2091.7526855469, y= 231.97242736816, z= 14.156798362732, h= 177.6669921875},
["waitingPath"] = { -- Coords of the cam for the preview
[0]={x=-2093.08, y=234.25, z=15.03, h=170.84},
[1]={x=-2099.73, y=190.15, z=15.57, h=83.04},
[2]={x=-2184.36, y=172.43, z=15.24, h=319.82},
[3]={x=-2184.41, y=271.49, z=15.47, h=246.98},
[4]={x=-2124.23, y=266.59, z=15.26, h=219.82},
[5]={x=-2092.78, y=235.2, z=15.46, h=177.61},
["waitingTime"] = 20000
["PlasmaRace 2 Mirror"]={ -- This is the same map as previously, but in mirror.
["resourceName"] = "patoche_plasmakart_dlc",
["Available"] = true,
["Classic"] = true,
["Battle"] = true,
["Name"] = "PlasmaRace 2 Mirror",
["img"] = "map2mirror.jpg",
["Out"] = {{x=-2083.18, y=215.34, z=15.53}},
["CP"] = {
["startPiste"] = {x= -2093.0407714844, y= 223.26080322266, z= 14.167333602905, h= 180.31930541992},
[28] = {x= -2094.5642089844, y= 206.90148925781, z= 14.192364692688, h= 169.30725097656},
[27] = {x= -2126.3647460938, y= 202.1120300293, z= 14.141359329224, h= 17.651235580444},
[26] = {x= -2126.4521484375, y= 236.19985961914, z= 12.220977783203, h= 1.5749043226242},
[25] = {x= -2137.9270019531, y= 221.66081237793, z= 8.7031135559082, h= 269.26226806641},
[24] = {x= -2126.29296875, y= 262.24261474609, z= 6.3863077163696, h= 92.836433410645},
[23] = {x= -2179.3139648438, y= 235.79092407227, z= 1.9949858188629, h= 238.74700927734},
[22] = {x= -2142.9934082031, y= 249.86085510254, z= 3.3259763717651, h= 257.57821655273},
[21] = {x= -2141.9304199219, y= 221.96942138672, z= 3.5906009674072, h= 109.1859588623},
[20] = {x= -2187.8447265625, y= 208.97343444824, z= 3.5927670001984, h= 164.5500793457},
[19] = {x= -2187.4699707031, y= 176.88819885254, z= 3.5896689891815, h= 185.79470825195},
[18] = {x= -2158.2331542969, y= 168.93577575684, z= 3.8102056980133, h= 279.19647216797},
[17] = {x= -2172.0969238281, y= 199.7547454834, z= 11.394079208374, h= 74.766540527344},
[16] = {x= -2187.9541015625, y= 217.16320800781, z= 13.007135391235, h= 2.2537558078766},
[15] = {x= -2186.5083007813, y= 251.72006225586, z= 13.314221382141, h= 350.93460083008},
[14] = {x= -2169.1604003906, y= 275.00662231445, z= 13.620051383972, h= 231.8048248291},
[13] = {x= -2163.9431152344, y= 230.61288452148, z= 13.605626106262, h= 182.49620056152},
[12] = {x= -2145.0480957031, y= 183.23254394531, z= 10.642852783203, h= 172.52079772949},
[11] = {x= -2177.0830078125, y= 200.73747253418, z= 6.3223881721497, h= 352.27551269531},
[10] = {x= -2132.4597167969, y= 193.09768676758, z= 8.3556385040283, h= 182.07171630859},
[9] = {x= -2105.6396484375, y= 186.71849060059, z= 8.8710784912109, h= 320.09643554688},
[8] = {x= -2116.08984375, y= 206.58856201172, z= 7.1309080123901, h= 165.66743469238},
[7] = {x= -2132.1252441406, y= 181.43807983398, z= 3.5331373214722, h= 14.4574842453},
[6] = {x= -2122.8415527344, y= 221.27503967285, z= 2.8845229148865, h= 335.8671875},
[5] = {x= -2115.1806640625, y= 262.38772583008, z= 2.506650686264, h= 51.052654266357},
[4] = {x= -2167.6613769531, y= 275.52221679688, z= 3.7679693698883, h= 86.931640625},
[3] = {x= -2149.2136230469, y= 253.54440307617, z= 10.550456047058, h= 294.02090454102},
[2] = {x= -2105.166015625, y= 276.70785522461, z= 13.695048332214, h= 258.3366394043},
[1] = {x= -2092.9504394531, y= 240.68818664551, z= 14.145029067993, h= 178.22836303711},
["startPos"] = { -- Coords of the kart at the start of the race
[1]={x= -2094.2780761719, y= 220.47848510742, z= 14.171529769897, h= 358.89013671875},
[2]={x= -2092.2482910156, y= 220.37850952148, z= 14.171234130859, h= 359.01770019531},
[3]={x= -2096.6574707031, y= 219.33766174316, z= 14.174098968506, h= 359.66473388672},
[4]={x= -2089.8410644531, y= 219.18913269043, z= 14.172791481018, h= 358.21466064453},
[5]={x= -2094.6154785156, y= 217.63737487793, z= 14.175533294678, h= 358.38513183594},
[6]={x= -2092.0925292969, y= 217.52214050293, z= 14.175476074219, h= 359.00918579102},
[7]={x= -2096.763671875, y= 216.1381072998, z= 14.179339408875, h= 356.43569946289},
[8]={x= -2089.8544921875, y= 215.97885131836, z= 14.179100036621, h= 357.50872802734},
[9]={x= -2094.4538574219, y= 214.56048583984, z= 14.180695533752, h= 358.07843017578},
[10]={x= -2092.4672851563, y= 214.58020019531, z= 14.180414199829, h= 357.73550415039},
["waitingPath"] = { -- Coords of the cam for the preview
[0]={x=-2093.08, y=234.25, z=15.03, h=170.84},
[1]={x=-2099.73, y=190.15, z=15.57, h=83.04},
[2]={x=-2184.36, y=172.43, z=15.24, h=319.82},
[3]={x=-2184.41, y=271.49, z=15.47, h=246.98},
[4]={x=-2124.23, y=266.59, z=15.26, h=219.82},
[5]={x=-2092.78, y=235.2, z=15.46, h=177.61},
["waitingTime"] = 20000
["PlasmaRace 3 Mirror"]={ -- This is the same map 3, but in mirror.
["resourceName"] = "patoche_plasmakart_dlc",
["Available"] = true,
["Classic"] = true,
["Battle"] = true,
["Name"] = "PlasmaRace 3 Mirror",
["img"] = "map3.jpg",
["Out"] = {{x=-2083.43, y=18.22, z=51.13}},
["CP"] = {
["startPiste"] = {x= -2092.9345703125, y= 26.350679397583, z= 49.833511352539, h= 359.79296875},
[1]={x= -2094.5107421875, y= 56.367374420166, z= 49.701072692871, h= 5.3139004707336 },
[2]={x= -2123.1997070313, y= 79.947044372559, z= 45.457054138184, h= 90.789169311523 },
[3]={x= -2183.2065429688, y= 76.541236877441, z= 37.929759979248, h= 132.712890625 },
[4]={x= -2190.9392089844, y= 18.974613189697, z= 32.273773193359, h= 174.65165710449 },
[5]={x= -2150.7185058594, y= -14.636717796326, z= 30.369649887085, h= 272.63500976563 },
[6]={x= -2113.0295410156, y= -20.071170806885, z= 30.354555130005, h= 279.84820556641 },
[7]={x= -2129.8479003906, y= 5.4219746589661, z= 30.355562210083, h= 84.24040222168 },
[8]={x= -2148.6555175781, y= 56.384532928467, z= 32.161178588867, h= 327.72653198242 },
[9]={x= -2111.1320800781, y= 55.675788879395, z= 35.477394104004, h= 229.47973632813 },
[10]={x= -2152.9392089844, y= 41.310146331787, z= 37.87113571167, h= 356.82540893555 },
[11]={x= -2171.4963378906, y= 25.781574249268, z= 37.561531066895, h= 177.443359375 },
[12]={x= -2144.8178710938, y= -9.8612480163574, z= 36.285362243652, h= 274.56109619141 },
[13]={x= -2147.5002441406, y= -28.865242004395, z= 36.598110198975, h= 82.800025939941 },
[14]={x= -2184.8930664063, y= -13.406517982483, z= 39.397186279297, h= 10.745580673218 },
[15]={x= -2186.6411132813, y= 29.017858505249, z= 44.323802947998, h= 0.10167860239744 },
[16]={x= -2178.6491699219, y= 60.947368621826, z= 48.172779083252, h= 330.31341552734 },
[17]={x= -2134.0209960938, y= 71.304191589355, z= 49.828395843506, h= 242.32850646973 },
[18]={x= -2158.2263183594, y= 31.034824371338, z= 49.828136444092, h= 106.44542694092 },
[19]={x= -2143.5559082031, y= 2.4846472740173, z= 49.829708099365, h= 318.5149230957 },
[20]={x= -2130.0676269531, y= -3.7637920379639, z= 49.829170227051, h= 109.723777771 },
[21]={x= -2104.6171875, y= -9.8942518234253, z= 49.823554992676, h= 308.06802368164 },
[22]={x= -2092.8444824219, y= 10.545392990112, z= 49.832218170166, h= 12.695729255676 },
["startPos"] = { -- Coords of the kart at the start of the race
[1] = {x= -2094.033203125, y= 23.256664276123, z= 49.832794189453, h= 359.44046020508 },
[2] = {x= -2091.890625, y= 23.229904174805, z= 49.833686828613, h= 358.9504699707 },
[3] = {x= -2096.2309570313, y= 22.065971374512, z= 49.832931518555, h= 359.29656982422 },
[4] = {x= -2089.6374511719, y= 22.094179153442, z= 49.833686828613, h= 359.76629638672 },
[5] = {x= -2094.2622070313, y= 20.392471313477, z= 49.833225250244, h= 359.16848754883 },
[6] = {x= -2091.6328125, y= 20.388284683228, z= 49.83309173584, h= 359.56036376953 },
[7] = {x= -2096.2387695313, y= 18.853824615479, z= 49.83313369751, h= 359.75839233398 },
[8] = {x= -2089.6701660156, y= 18.908458709717, z= 49.833129882813, h= 359.73294067383 },
[9] = {x= -2094.0146484375, y= 17.388496398926, z= 49.833892822266, h= 0.37424796819687},
[10] = {x= -2091.955078125, y= 17.361831665039, z= 49.833457946777, h= 359.26559448242 },
["waitingPath"] = { -- Coords of the cam for the preview
[0]={x= -2092.87, y=30.66, z=51.58, h=178.29},
[1]={x= -2103.32, y=-11.34, z=51.55, h=86.71},
[2]={x= -2183.24, y=-13.61, z=51.48, h=335.37},
[3]={x= -2179.31, y=61.53, z=51.56, h=251.99},
[4]={x= -2121.7, y=74.18, z=52.02, h=197.58},
["waitingTime"] = 20000
["PlasmaRace 3"]={
["resourceName"] = "patoche_plasmakart_dlc",
["Available"] = true,
["Classic"] = true,
["Battle"] = true,
["Name"] = "PlasmaRace 3",
["img"] = "map3.jpg",
["Out"] = {{x=-2083.43, y=18.22, z=51.13}},
["CP"] = {
["startPiste"] = {x= -2092.9345703125, y= 26.350679397583, z= 49.833511352539, h= 359.79296875},
[20]={x= -2094.5107421875, y= 56.367374420166, z= 49.701072692871, h= 5.3139004707336 },
[19]={x= -2123.1997070313, y= 79.947044372559, z= 45.457054138184, h= 90.789169311523 },
[18]={x= -2183.2065429688, y= 76.541236877441, z= 37.929759979248, h= 132.712890625 },
[17]={x= -2190.9392089844, y= 18.974613189697, z= 32.273773193359, h= 174.65165710449 },
[16]={x= -2150.7185058594, y= -14.636717796326, z= 30.369649887085, h= 272.63500976563 },
[15]={x= -2113.0295410156, y= -20.071170806885, z= 30.354555130005, h= 279.84820556641 },
[14]={x= -2129.8479003906, y= 5.4219746589661, z= 30.355562210083, h= 84.24040222168 },
[13]={x= -2148.6555175781, y= 56.384532928467, z= 32.161178588867, h= 327.72653198242 },
[12]={x= -2111.1320800781, y= 55.675788879395, z= 35.477394104004, h= 229.47973632813 },
[11]={x= -2099.3742675781, y= 25.797897338867, z= 36.155254364014, h= 146.59107971191 },
[10]={x= -2147.5002441406, y= -28.865242004395, z= 36.598110198975, h= 82.800025939941 },
[9]={x= -2184.8930664063, y= -13.406517982483, z= 39.397186279297, h= 10.745580673218 },
[8]={x= -2186.6411132813, y= 29.017858505249, z= 44.323802947998, h= 0.10167860239744 },
[7]={x= -2178.6491699219, y= 60.947368621826, z= 48.172779083252, h= 330.31341552734 },
[6]={x= -2134.0209960938, y= 71.304191589355, z= 49.828395843506, h= 242.32850646973 },
[5]={x= -2158.2263183594, y= 31.034824371338, z= 49.828136444092, h= 106.44542694092 },
[4]={x= -2143.5559082031, y= 2.4846472740173, z= 49.829708099365, h= 318.5149230957 },
[3]={x= -2130.0676269531, y= -3.7637920379639, z= 49.829170227051, h= 109.723777771 },
[2]={x= -2104.6171875, y= -9.8942518234253, z= 49.823554992676, h= 308.06802368164 },
[1]={x= -2092.8444824219, y= 10.545392990112, z= 49.832218170166, h= 12.695729255676 },
["startPos"] = { -- Coords of the kart at the start of the race
[1] = {x= -2093.9155273438, y= 28.912704467773, z= 49.824684143066, h= 179.52336120605},
[2] = {x= -2091.7531738281, y= 28.945064544678, z= 49.824821472168, h= 179.69836425781},
[3] = {x= -2096.1606445313, y= 30.19314956665, z= 49.824409484863, h= 179.24467468262 },
[4] = {x= -2089.5505371094, y= 30.197731018066, z= 49.824871063232, h= 180.39929199219},
[5] = {x= -2094.1247558594, y= 31.810386657715, z= 49.824573516846, h= 180.68263244629},
[6] = {x= -2091.5561523438, y= 31.867959976196, z= 49.82434463501, h= 178.97300720215 },
[7] = {x= -2096.197265625, y= 33.334754943848, z= 49.824001312256, h= 180.41027832031 },
[8] = {x= -2089.6047363281, y= 33.337596893311, z= 49.82417678833, h= 178.59523010254 },
[9] = {x= -2093.8029785156, y= 34.814682006836, z= 49.824775695801, h= 179.07275390625},
[10] = {x= -2091.7478027344, y= 34.851989746094, z= 49.82426071167, h= 179.71229553223},
["waitingPath"] = { -- Coords of the cam for the preview
[0]={x= -2092.87, y=30.66, z=51.58, h=178.29},
[1]={x= -2103.32, y=-11.34, z=51.55, h=86.71},
[2]={x= -2183.24, y=-13.61, z=51.48, h=335.37},
[3]={x= -2179.31, y=61.53, z=51.56, h=251.99},
[4]={x= -2121.7, y=74.18, z=52.02, h=197.58},
["waitingTime"] = 20000
Go to [PlasmaKart]\PlasmaKart\config\outfitConfig.lua
Here you can config the clothes for Female and Male, and enable the Mask or not. This is the same system for PlasmaGAME, PlasmaKART and PlasmaTRON.
Color A = Blue Team Color B = Red team ⚠️ The clothes that we used in the PlasmaKart, is a vanilla clothes = GTA default. - If you don't have the plasma's clothes ingame: Maybe you didn't put the right slot in our config file. Find the clothes in your clothing shop, and put the slot in the config. - If you don't find the plasma's clothes in your clothing shop: Maybe you have modded clothes who replace them. Find the cloth who replace them, and delete or rename it (your modded clothe) and all should works. You can find the name of all the vanilla clothes there: https://tobii.space/ is very usefull.
useCustomMask = true
MaskFemme = {
[1]={model = 107, colorA = 7, colorB = 1},
[2]={model = 108, colorA = 0, colorB = 1}
MaskHomme = {
[1]={model = 107, colorA = 7, colorB = 1},
[2]={model = 108, colorA = 0, colorB = 1}
--Basic server
TenuFemme = {
[3] = {model = 3, color = 0}, -- Torso / Arms / Bras
[4] = {model = 79}, -- Legs / Pants / Jambe
[6] = {model = 58}, -- Feet / Shoes / Chaussure
[7] = {model = 0}, --Accessories / Accessoires
[8] = {model = 8}, --Undershirt / T-Shirt
[11] = {model = 180} --Tops / Veste
TenuHomme = {
[3] = {model = 6, color = 0}, -- Torso / Arms / Bras
[4] = {model = 77}, -- Legs / Pants / Jambe
[6] = {model = 55}, -- Feet / Shoes / Chaussure
[7] = {model = 0}, --Accessories / Accessoires
[8] = {model = 15}, --Undershirt / T-Shirt
[11] = {model = 178}, --Tops / Veste